Bringing dignity to learning


Developing skills for a better world


Communication and Dignity

Thematic Network Meeting, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in Oslo, Norway, 22 -24 January 2014.

Venues: Oslo University Campus at Blindern and Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

The focus of the workshops on the 23rd and 24th will be on practical tools and methodology in developing, in our communities and societies, communication habits that reduce conflict and promote dignity.


Wednesday, 22nd January 2014
Venue: Psychology Institute of the University of Oslo, Blindern University Campus Harald Schjelderups hus Forskningsveien 3A, Auditorium 3

11.15-13.00 Talk by Evelin Lindner (in Norwegian).
13.00-14.30 (approximately!) For our visitors: guided tour, either in Frogner Park, or in the City Hall (depending on the weather) by Trine Eklund.


Thursday 23rd January 2014
Venue: U1, Blindern University Campus Georg Svedrup’s House

9.00 Introductory speech by Evelin Lindner
9.30 Non-violent (empathic) communication: a tool in conflict transformation and a counterbalance to humiliation.
This is a training session, where we will be looking at the principles of non-violent (empathic) communication, and methods of developing it as a powerful tool which both promotes human dignity and avoids the infliction of humiliation in conflict situations. We will be sharing and demonstrating the methodology of training, and practicing use of the tools available. Elsa-Britt Enger (Grandmothers for Peace) and Babs Sivertsen (The Norwegian Peace Association Education for Peace group)
12.30 Lunch in the university canteen.
13.30 Open space workshop (dignilogue), with working groups
16.00 Plenum with report from the groups.
During the day: Cultural contribution by Randi Gunhildstad
16.30 End
Evening Guided tour of the city centre, followed by dinner together at an old restaurant


Friday 24th January
Venue: Norwegian Center for Human Rights Cort Adelers Gata 30

9.00 A Dignity Mosaic:
The morning session will be devoted to short presentations of the work of our participants, and their richly diverse contributions to the development of improved communication habits.
12.30 Lunch in the canteen in the Centre for Human Rights building.
13.30 Open space workshop, with working groups
16.00 Plenum with report from the groups, summary and conclusions
During the day: Cultural contribution by Randi Gunhildstad
16.30 End


Register with Trine Eklund: within the 1st January 2014

How to get to find the conference venues

You will find a map for day 1 and 2 with the route here.

Day 1:
From the city centre, take the metro (T-bane) nr. 1, direction Frognerseteren
Get off at Gaustad, 5 minutes' walk to Harald Schelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A (blue dots)
The tube goes every 15 minutes, and takes about 10 minutes.

Day 2:
From the city centre, take the metro (T-bane) nr. 3, direction Storo
Get off at Blindern, 6 minutes' walk to Georg Svedrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39 (green dots)
The tube goes every 15 minutes, and takes about 12 minutes.

Walk across the park infront of the City Hall, past the Peace Centre and the Development Centre. Follow the tram lines: they lead straight into and up Cort Adelers gata. The Centre for Human Rights is right beside the Vika tram stop. (UiO, Norsk Senter for Menneskerettigheter on the doorbell)

How to get to Oslo

Most flights arrive at Gardemoen airport North of the city). You can take the airport train or bus to the city centre. We will help you with instructions, when we know where you are staying. Do not hesitate to ask people. Most Norwegians speak English very well.

If you are staying several days, we recommend that you buy a public transport ticket card called Flexcard or Ruter card (or #, see You are able to buy this card in any Narvesen kiosk you see.

Please kindly note that...

  • All costs including meals and refreshments are covered by the participants themselves. Participants are encouraged to find their own sources of funding or economic support to participate in our conferences. Please inquire in your country and your university about possibilities. See, among others, for the US, and
  • Participants are kindly asked to handle all of their travel arrangements and required documentation, including requests for visas, on their side. HumanDHS does not have the staff or resources to assist with visa requests.

Where to stay in Oslo


We always ask for your permission to include your pictures on our website. In case you change your mind later, please let us know. We want to make sure we have your permission. Thank you!